Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Bluetooth Controlled Rainbow Lamp

This Bluetooth Controlled Rainbow Lamp can be switched to any color by using your smartphone. The lamp not only looks like all the seven colors of the rainbow but also glows in all the seven colors of rainbow. The shapes that it makes at night are just amazing to watch. The design of this lamp may seem complicated, but you will be surprised to know that it is made by just cardboard, nothing else! Actually the original design was taken from crafts thrift . I made little modifications in the design. You can reuse your old cardboard boxes to bring them back to life by making it instead of throwing them away. Since it uses old cardboard which is reused to make it, that makes it recycled. You can use it as a night-lamp or for decorations in certain events. It can be hung on the ceiling with the help of the string or can be simply kept on a table.
The electronics of the lamp that makes it glow in different colors comprise of an arduino that acts as the brain of the lamp, bluetooth module that receives signals from the smartphone and RGB leds that gives out light of different colors. When you touch your phone to produce a certain color, the smartphone sends a command which is received by the bluetooth module. The module then transmits that data to arduino which processes it and makes the led glow in certain brightness. The brightness of each color of the led can be controlled as they are connected to the PWM pins of arduino. If all this seems complicated, just calm down and skip all this.
For detailed step by step instructions:

Sunday, 10 July 2016

The Soccer Robot

Complete step by step instructions:
If you love to make robots and see them rolling around your house, then you'll love this one too! This robot can play soccer by dribbling and kicking a ball, though not as good as Messi or Ronaldo. It is controlled using a smartphone with wireless bluetooth connection which enables you to make many of them and have a robot soccer match!
This project uses the Mediatek Linkit ONE as it's control centre. It is connected to a bluetooth module which receives data from a smartphone and then sends it to the chip which then processes it and does a task accordingly. For movements, the robot uses two plastic geared motors (300 RPM) while for kicking the ball, it uses a micro servo motor connected to a metal shaft. As for the power, it uses a 6v battery pack which consists of 4 1.5v AA batteries to power the geared motors + a 3.7v lithium battery to power linkit one, BT module and servo motor. The entire project can be completed within 2-3 hrs with some basic soldering skills and a little knowledge about using linkit one.
Although the robot looks complex externally, but making it is a very simple task thus it can be one of those 'Simple Bots'. I have personally tested the robot and the result turned out to be great! I am so sorry for not publishing a video.
Complete step by step instructions:

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Wearable Child Tracker

Complete step by step instructions:
Are you worried of your kids getting lost when you are out at a crowded place? That's obvious, isn't it? This project will reduce the risk of children getting lost at unknown and crowded places thus will also eleminate your nightmares. As you may have already guessed from the name, this project is basically a child tracker that can give you the exact GPS location through an SMS to your phone when required.
This project uses the Mediatek Linkit ONE as a base for communication between your phone and the tracker and to get the GPS location. As linkit one has in-built GSM and GPS features, you don't need to connect any external shield or modules which makes it a perfect weekend project to be completed within an hour. You just need a SIM card with some balance or an SMS pack. The best part is that the device will work in any part of this world provided that there is a mobile network available at that place.
The project is enclosed in a digital camera pouch thus can be tied around the waist along with a belt, can be kept in your child's bagpack or pocket. Since the project has GPS, you can not only use it as a child tracker but also as car tracking or bagpack anti-theft device.

How it Works?

The process is very simple. As you may already know, linkit one as in-built GPS and GSM features. So when you send a message to linkit one through your phone, it is received by the SIM card present on linkit one and transferred to the board thereafter.
The board then processes the signal, gets GPS data by directly connecting to a sattelite and then sends this data to the no. which is mentioned in it's code. The data when entered on Google Maps gives you the exact GPS location of the device. As the device will be with your child, it will tell you the location of your child so that you can easily reach that place.
It shall be noted that you will only get the data till the device is on. Unavailability of power supply or the battery running low will not give you the GPS data.

Complete step by step instructions:

WiFi Controlled RGB LED Strip

Those IR remotes used to control RGB LED strips can sometimes become irritating due to their limited range and hunting for the remote when you can't find it. This simple, yet effective project can solve a problem by controlling your strips via your smartphone over WiFi. Controlling over a web server means that it can be controlled from anywhere in the world! Having an internet connection isn't a problem as most of the people already have it for their daily use. So now you can make your christmas decorations or room lights better with this device.
The project uses the Mediatek Linkit ONE as the base which had in-built WiFi so you don't need any external shields or modules except one which would be needed to power the LED strips which require a higher output current than Linkit ONE can provide.
The best thing about RGB LED strips is that combining the three primary colors- Red, Green and Blue, you can produce an infinite range of colors with great effects. They are much better and consume much less current than normal christmas decoration lights. You can use this project as a great alternative for night lamps, decorations, ambient lighting and the best- Your christmas tree, coz christmas in coming! So get your things ready and start making this project NOW!

Arduino Controlled Kitchen Timer

All of you must have experienced this that you have something being cooked on your gas stove while on the other side you get busy watching TV or get a deep conversation that you realize on detecting a smell that it was completely spoiled just because of your carelessness. This little Arduino controlled device is a simple solution to the problem! This is basically a mini battery operated portable kitchen timer which can be set to any number of hours and minutes and tells you with buzzer beeps that the provided time is over. The buzzer is loud enough to be heard even in another room thus can save your dishes from turning burn black. Wonder how great would it be if you made one yourself? Here's how to!
When talking about the inner workings, this project consists of Arduino as the brain, a Liquid crystal display to display time, a buzzer to notify you, two buttons to enter hours and minutes and two LEDs to acting as indicators. Apart from this, it is operated using a 9v battery thus making it small, light weight and portable. As you may have noticed, all of the parts are one of the most basic ones thus you won't have to hunt around. You can enter the number of hours as well as minutes which makes it an accurate device to suite your needs. You will require a maximum of two to three hours to make it.
Here is a short video of the project working:

Friday, 8 July 2016

Vision: A Torch For The Visually Impaired

Vision is a torch shaped device to help blind people navigate with greater comfort, speed and confidence, whilst making use of ultrasonic waves to detect nearby obstacles and to notify the user through vibrations and beeps of a buzzer. The idea was inspired from bats, who also use sound waves of high frequency to move.

According to an estimate, there are 285 million visually impaired people in the world. The loss of one the most important human senses causes them a lot of hardships in daily life. The affected ones have been using the traditional white cane since many years which although being effective, still has a lot of disadvantages. Another way has been a pet animal such as a dog which is not very common for being comparatively expensive. So the aim of this project is to develop a cheap, yet more efficient way to help the visually impaired navigate with more speed and confidence

As seen in the picture, the device is lightweight and handy with the fact that it does not emit light. Instead, it uses ultrasonic waves to detect obstacles and notify the user through vibrations and sound beeps. This overcomes the problem of not being very flexible as in the case of white cane.

  • Uses Ultrasonic ranging method to detect nearby obstacles such as walls, tables, doors, chairs and other furniture.
  • The user gets notified about obstacles through sound and vibration. T
  • he intensity of vibration and rate of beeping increases with decrease in distance.
  • The device only reacts when the trigger buttons are pressed.

Why "Vision?"

Practically talking, this device will help the blind to navigate without holding a stick which is a bit annoying for them. When used on a large scale, with improvements in the prototype, it will drastically benefit the community.

Here is a video of the project in action: